Acupuncture is a safe and non invasive ancient healing technique used to cure a variety of ailments. In acupuncture, the body is viewed as a system of interconnected organs and meridians through which Qi flows to power body function and maintain health. Disruptions in Qi flow cause symptoms and create illness. Body organs, as they are understood in Chinese medicine, are different from their Western counterparts. They describe certain energy centers, and specific functions that derive from those centers, but they do not describe the health or function of their related anatomical organs, except in some cases. This is important to remember, because an ex. imbalance in the Chinese Spleen or Liver, will most likely not correlate to any medical problem in the Western spleen or liver. The organs are connected to meridians or channels, that link the organs and distribute their energy throughout the body. Problems of the organs and meridians—and the symptoms that reveal them-are treated at certain acupuncture points. At these points, acupuncturists use fine needles, heat, and other techniques to rectify imbalances in the bodies energy. Energy can be strengthened or tonified when weak, or dispersed when stagnant.
Acupuncturists in the United States are held to the highest regard and must attend a four year graduate program, along with passing the state board exam to practice.